Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Studio Solutions

Since moving I've been a bit more disorganized than usual. I've carved out space for my desk and a few essential tools in our living room. It's not ideal. And even less ideal is having my flat files and work table languishing on the screened porch in shrink wrap.

With no room inside of the house for me to set up shop we decided to explore our options. We asked around town about renting space, but there was nothing available at the time. Maybe in a few months...  I can't wait an indeterminate length of time for a maybe.  Another negative was the potential cost.

Option two was to buy a shed. So we shopped around, comparing size, price, features, materials and cost. Finally, we settled on a 10' x 14' Weatherking cottage shed.We were all very excited on delivery day. Even the dog was beside herself with excitement. Though I suspect she thought she was getting the worlds biggest dog house. Click on the 'Got a Minute?' video below to watch the delivery and set up.

What do you think about this studio solution? Please comment if your studio is a shed and let me know how it is working out for you.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Expanding My Territory

We are finally getting settled into our new digs in Deland, FL. Moving is such an ordeal and this one seemed fraught with extra complications. Most of that is behind us now and I'm expecting delivery of my new studio/shed sometime next week. I'll do a whole post on that when it arrives.

We are located about a half of a mile from the St. John's River. So with most of our unpacking and organizing done I've managed to head out to Ed Stone Park a couple of times to paint the river.

This is the first one I did a week ago. I focused on this mossy tree with it's branches stretching down into the river. It's an 8" x 10" gallery wrapped canvas in oil.

I went out again today and chose a different view.  Here are a few pictures of my progress as well as the view.
I love the light hitting that small clearing
I toned the canvas and put in my basic plan starting with the darkest darks

"The Clearing" - oil - 8" x 10"